How to make hotkey tool with AutoHotkey
15th October 2011
Hello guys! Im going to tell u how to create simple autohotkey script. It will be some advanced version of EasyPack. It will include 3 steps.
- 1. Creating Basic Tool
- 2. Adding interface
- 3. Adding special functions
NOTE: Autohotkey script will work only in windows.
You will need:- 1) Autohotkey
- 2) some text editor
Step 1 : Creating Basic Tool
To create autohotkey script simply rightlick mouse - create autohotkey script or save text file in .ahk extension.Header
First of all we need make some changes in the options of the script so in the header we will put this preferences:#SingleInstance force #HotkeyInterval 0 #InstallKeybdHook #UseHook On #MaxThreads 25 SetBatchLines, -1 SetKeyDelay , -1, -1 SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 SetMouseDelay, -1 Process, priority, , High SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% #NoEnv #ifWinActive, ahk_class Warcraft III
Setting Keys
Now we will read the .ini file. If it doesnt exist we will get default hotkeys (alt+q; alt+w, alt+a, alt+s, alt+z, alt+x). I used variables h1-h7 for future purposes (detecting same variable). I would like all hotkeys iniread and hotkey via loop, but for better understanding I will make loop only for item hotkeys and for pause script I will do it manually. To do that we will read our ini file, and if key not a blank - we will create hotkey This is how to do in the loop. Mb it is a bit advanced for you now.loop { IniRead, h%A_Index%, %A_WorkingDir%\EasyPack2.ini, Inventory, item%A_Index%, %A_Space% if % h%A_Index% Hotkey, % h%A_Index%, a%A_Index% if A_Index=6 break }Here how to simply make hotkey
IniRead, h7, %A_WorkingDir%\EasyPack2.ini, Other, Pause, Home if h7 Hotkey, %h7%, a7Basic labels Here our labels. I used names a - action so in next steps we can easily put it all to the loop
a1: send {vk67} return a2: send {vk68} return a3: send {vk64} return a4: send {vk65} return a5: send {vk61} return a6: send {vk62} return a7: suspend return
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